Программа Создания Манги
Posted : admin On 08.07.2019IbisPaint X - это приложение, основанное на концепции социального рисования. Вы можете опубликовать процесс рисования, чтобы разделить со всеми радость творчества.Концепция и функционал - Простое в использовании приложение, которое позволяет вам выразить себя через рисунок. Почувствуйте мягкость рисования и наслаждайтесь быстрой функциональностью. Загрузите видео с процессом своего творчества. Поделитесь URL своего творчества в Twitter и Facebook. Скачивайте работы других пользователей.Разница между ibisPaint и ibisPaint X В ibisPaint X есть реклама.
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- Программа Для Создания Манги На Русском
- Программа Для Создания Манги
Manga Studio 4 Дебют является веселой и простой способ для создания манги. Поиск программ. Это статья для тех, кто хочет научиться рисовать мангу, примерив на себя роль писателя, режиссёра, редактора и художника одновременно. Сейчас очень популярны программы для создания манги на компьютере, такие как, например, Manga Studio (очень удобная, кстати), но я предпочитаю заниматься. Сегодня мы расскажем вам поэтапно о том, как проходит процесс ее создания непосредственно в Японии. Пленка, которая вырезается по контуру тонируемого объекта и наклеивается поверх изображения (про всякие компьютерные программы для тонировки манги японцы никогда и не слышали ^_^).
После покупки обновления внутри приложения реклама исчезнет, и разницы с ibisPaint не будет.Функции Возможность записать на видео процесс творчества и поделиться им - не единственная функция ibisPaint X. В приложении также есть множество функций для рисования. Функции кисти - Мягкое рисование с частотой обновления до 60 кадров в секунду.
142 видов кистей, включая кисть художника, фломастер, цифровую ручку, аэрограф, веерную кисть и плоскую кисть. Различные параметры кисти, настраиваемые в начале и конце штриха: толщина, прозрачность, угол наклона.
Слайдер, который позволяет быстро настроить толщину и прозрачность кисти. Предпросмотр кисти в реальном времени. Функции слоев - Столько слоев, сколько позволяет хранить память устройства (зависит от самого устройства и размера холста). Различные режимы слоев: индивидуальная прозрачность слоя, режимы смешивания, добавления, вычитания и умножения прозрачности. Различные команды: создание дубликата слоя, импорт из Фото, горизонтальная инверсия, вертикальная инверсия, поворот слоя, перемещение слоя и масштабирование. Функции выбора области - 256 градаций выбора для каждого пикселя (слой выбора). Область выбора можно инвертировать, перемещать, вращать и масштабировать.
Кисти, которые меняются в зависимости от области выбора, функции заливки, дубликации слоя, соединения слоев, перемещения слоев, поворота и масштабирования. Цветовые функции - Сохраните до 30 цветов в палитре или выберите любой цвет из цветового колеса при помощи системы HSB или RGB. Для сохранения цвета просто перетащите его в цветовую палитру. Нажмите и удерживайте Выбор цвета. Общие функции рисования - Отмена и повтор действия с размером памяти в более чем 100 шагов (хранится в свободной памяти). Кисть, Ластик, Палец, Размывка, Заливка и Выбор цвета.Плавное масштабирование (70%-4000%). Поддерживаемые цифровые ручки - Apple Pencil (Только iPad Pro) - Wacom Bamboo Sketch - Wacom Bamboo Fineline 3 - Wacom Bamboo Fineline 2 - Wacom Bamboo Stylus fineline - Wacom Intuos Creative Stylus 2 - Wacom Intuos Creative Stylus - HEX3 JaJa - Ten One Design Pogo Connect - Ten One Design Pogo Connect 2 Функции для удовольствия - Функция Моя Галерея позволяет вам взглянуть на свое творчество.
Посмотрите запись своей работы (скорость воспроизведения можно изменить). Экспортируйте видео работы (mov) и отправляйте рисунки (png) в Фото через функцию экспорта (видео можно сохранить после закачивания). Функции кодирования и закачивания.
Поделитесь URL своей работы в Twitter и Facebook. Push-уведомления для комментариев по вашей работе. Скачивайте рисунки других авторов (в векторном формате). Смотрите чужие работы в Локальной галерее.
Импортируйте и экспортируйте векторные файлы на PC и/или Mac при помощи передачи файлов через USB. Для закачки, кодирования и скачивания художественных произведений необходим аккаунт в Twitter и/или Facebook.Вопросы и поддержка Мы не отвечаем на вопросы и сообщения об ошибках в отзывах на приложение - для этого необходимо обратиться в поддержку ibisPaint. ■Please don't update. We are sorry.
The pressure graph doesn't work with the 3D Touch. We will release the next version as soon as possible.
Fixed Bugs and Problems - Fixed a bug where the thickness (or opacity) of brush lines is less than the supposed value if you draw with your finger in iPad Pro. Fixed a bug by which an error alert which says 'std::badalloc' is shown if you execute Play, Restore By Playback, Upload or sharing movie for some artworks. Fixed a bug where the app crashes when a thumnail for the zoom view is displayed for some artworks, or you execute sharing a image, Duplicate or importing for them. Such artworks were firstly created by an app before ver.3.2.0 and have not been edited after that.
Fixed a bug where the Play of the Mesh transform causes a crash under some circumstances. Fixed a bug where the upper margin of a popup window is different from the lower one when the window Color is set to White in iPad. 5.1.2 14 нояб. Thank you for using ibis Paint X! The summary of this update is below.
Improved Points - Weakened the pressure sensitivity of 3D Touch because it was too strong. Improved the initial graph of the pressure sensitivity to more natural writing taste. Added 'Weak Sensitivity' button which the pressure sensitivity becomes the same as ver.5.0.4 and former to Settings window.
Swapped 'OK' and 'Show License' button in confirmation alert which is displayed after downloading a font. Back and forward button in the browser window of Downloadable Font are now disabled if these cannot be used.
Fixed Bugs and Problems - Fixed a bug where something like thorns jumps out in the end part of a line when using Stroke Stabilizer of 'After'. Fixed a bug where necking occurs on a thick line or discontinuity occurs on a thin line especially when using Stroke Stabilizer of 'After'. Fixed a bug where discontinuity occurs even on a thick line if drawing a line close to a straight line.
Fixed a bug where app randomly crashes when tap the screen with a stamp brush if Force Fade is enabled. Fixed a bug where a transformed area becomes black when playing artwork which is used Mesh Form of Transform Tool and Eraser tool.
Fixed a bug where an error alert of downloading failed on some sites is not displayed in the browser window of Downloadable Font. Fixed a bug where the app crashes if starting to edit, play and upload artwork because of the bug of iOS 11.0.0. Fixed a problem where an empty line is displayed on Font List window on iOS 11. Fixed a bug where loading of the zoom view of My Gallery screen occurs infinitely with artwork which the app crashed immediately after creating it. Fixed a bug where nothing happens if sharing a picture of artwork which the app has been crashed immediately after creating it. Fixed a bug where the app crashes if trying to open Artwork Information screen of artwork which does not have a thumbnail image. Fixed a bug where the app crashes if a broken transparent PNG file is selected on importing.
Fixed a bug where the title label of Brush window such as 'Brush', 'Eraser', 'Blur' and 'Smudge' is not displayed. Fixed a bug where the square movement was not correct when grabbing 'Previous Color' or 'Current Color' button with long press in Color window.
Fixed a problem where the diagonal line displayed on Color button when selecting Eraser Tool was displayed as a thick after Settings window is opened. Fixed a problem where a vertical line representing the partition of the segment control will not fade out when Font List window, Material Tool window, and etc. Will fade out. Fixed a problem where the diagonal line displayed on Color button when selecting Eraser Tool will not fade out when the toolbar will fade out. Fixed a problem where labels in Material Tool window such as 'Connecting.' And 'Connection Error' are not displayed as a black when Window Color is White. Fixed a rare problem where the leak of the memory occurs on processes of the multi thread.
5.1.0 2 нояб. Thank you for using ibis Paint X! Starting from this version, ibis Paint X supports iOS 9.0 or later. Please give us understanding. The summary of this update is below.
New Features - Added Download Font function. (Now more than 450 fonts are available! You can use these from 'Font' button in Text tab of Text tool.) - Added Real Time Stabilizer. (Now Brush tool draws more beautiful and natural curve!
Please select 'After' in Stabilizer window if you want to use the old method. The default value is 'Real Time'.) - Removed the upper limit of the number of color palettes in Color window. Added support for iPhone X. (Overall layout adjustment) - Added a new filter: Expansion (Enlarge your eyes in a photo!) - Added adjustment graph for the pressure sensitivity in Settings window. (You can now adjust the output of pressure sensitivity if you use a device or a digital stylus which supports the pressure sensitivity.) - (iPad only) Added support for Split View and Slide Over. (You can now use this app side by side with other apps!) - (iPad only) Docking function of Tool selection window.
(You can select three positions: Left, Right or Popup. Please select 'Popup' if you like the old style. The default value is 'Left'.) - Added Rasterize command. (It is in ' button of Layer window. You can rasterize Vector Layers (such as Text Layer, Frame Layer or Shape Layer) and a screentone on a Normal Layer. You will be able to use Brush tool, Eraser tool and Transform Tool in a rasterized layer.) - Added 'Save Canvas as Transparent PNG' function. (It is in ' button of Layer window.
You can now save the canvas as a transparent PNG without changing the background of the canvas.) - Added 'Add Layer from Canvas' function. (A special addition button was added on the right of '+' button of Layer window. 'Add Layer From Canvas' was added into it. It saves the result of composing all layers into a new layer.) - Added tutorials with blue balloons.
(You can redisplay tutorials by 'Show Tutorials Again' in Settings window if you missed them.) Improved Points - Changed specifications of Stablizer tool to reset settings to the default value without 'Stabilizer' and 'Method' value when returning to My Gallery screen. Added 'Save Stabilizer Settings' switch in Configuration window. Changed specifications of Magic Wand tool so that Under Line is now off if 'Easy Setting' is on. Changed specifications of 'Paste' of Selection Area tool so that the pasted image is now not to clipped by selection area.
Improved 'Paste' of Selection Area tool to keep the position of 'Cut' and 'Copy'. Speeded up playback speed of Blur tool. Added an input screen of a description of artwork on iPad.
Improved color wheel of Color window to display as a larger for easy to control it on iPad. Improved the thickness and opacity for pressure sensitivity to be optimum default value for Apple Pencil and 3D Touch. Improved the pressure sensitivity so that strong pressure makes bolder and darker, and normal pressure makes specified thickness and opacity. Improved Canvas screen of 5.5inch iPhone so that the available area is now wider than 4.7inch iPhone. Increased the thumbnail size of artwork in My Gallery and Collection screen. Changed the width of Preferences screen to the appropriate on the landscape screen in iPad and 5.5inch iPhone. The status bar is now displayed on Canvas screen.
Improved not to fix screen orientation when playing or uploading artwork. The orientation of video created by uploading artwork, sharing a video and saving a video is now fit the orientation of the device instead of the direction of artwork.
Improved the problem that seems to freeze at the start of step 3 of uploading artwork. Fixed Bugs and Problems - Fixed many bugs and problems. Others - Ended support for Cregle iPen, Cregle iPen 2, e-pens mobile notes for iPad, MVPen EN309i and Yifang Digital A-pen. 5.0.4 26 окт. Thank you for using ibis Paint X!
If you have any problems, please inform us via the 'Contact Us' of 'Developer Website' and not via the App Review. The summary of this update is below. New Features - Added support for Apple Pencil of iPad Pro(10.5inch). Added support for ProMotion technology (120Hz rendering) of iPad Pro(12.9inch, 2nd Gen) and iPad Pro(10.5inch). Added ability to register Twitter account from the system on Preferences screen. Improved Points - Changed the way to share the URL of artwork from the push notification of artwork publishing and Art Information screen. Changed not to perform the authentication process of Google account on Preferences screen while the device is not connected to the network.
Fixed Bugs and Problems - Fixed a bug where Apple Pencil can be selected on Settings window of Canvas screen on iPad(5th Gen). Fixed a problem where Greeting and Online Gallery are not displayed correctly on iPad Pro(10.5inch). Fixed a problem where the X mark was displayed twice at the delete button of YouTube channel on Preferences screen. 5.0.1 30 мая 2017 г. Thank you for using ibis Paint X! If you have any problems, please inform us via the 'Contact Us' of 'Developer Website' and not via the App Review. The summary of this update is below.
New Feature - Added support for a new digital stylus: Bamboo Sketch of Wacom Co. Improved Point - Improved memory consumption of Symmetry Ruler.
Fixed Bug - Fixed a bug where Clipping or Alpha Lock may be broken at playback. New Features in ver.5.0.0 - Added a new filter: Auto Paint (It paints line drawings automatically.) - Added a new filter: Table (It creates evenly spaced tables and ruled lines.) - Added 'Clear White(Color)' function. (It is in '・・・' button of Layer window.) - Added the rectangular drawing tool in Stabilizer window.
Added touch position adjustment UI in Settings window. 5.0.0 19 мая 2017 г. Thank you for using ibis Paint X! If you have any problems, please inform us via the 'Contact Us' of 'Developer Website' and not via the App Review. The summary of this update is below. New Features - Added a new filter: Auto Paint (It paints line drawings automatically.) - Added a new filter: Table (It creates evenly spaced tables and ruled lines.) - Added 'Clear White(Color)' function. (It is in '・・・' button of Layer window.) - Added the rectangular drawing tool in Stabilizer window.
Added touch position adjustment UI in Settings window. Improved Points - Improved the performance for first time display of Brush window.
Improved the performance for movement of slider in Stabilizer window. Changed to draw a vertical line for each segment when segment control is over 3 choices. Changed the default value of Reduce Method of Resize of Canvas tool to Trilinear on the device which it is available.
Fixed Bugs and Problems - Changed 'Clear White' to 'Clear White(Gray Scale)' and fixed a bug where the thinly selected area becomes a dark color. Fixed a bug where the result of Screentone may be different on the location of the canvas one some devices when the canvas size is large. Fixed a bug where the edge may change to a white color (It may be a color other than white) when the canvas size is changed. Fixed a bug where playback result of brush drawing may be slightly different from editing in artwork which is edited between ver.3.1.5 and ver.3.6.2. Fixed a bug where the color of labels of Previous Color and Current Color in Color window does not follow Window Color setting on the tablet devices.
Fixed a bug where the app crashes if insufficient memory occurred during importing a picture. Fixed a bug where the app crashes if downloading sample artworks was failed by insufficient storage. 4.3.3 17 апр. Thank you for using ibis Paint X! If you have any problems, please inform us via the 'Contact Us' of 'Developer Website' and not via the App Review. The summary of this update is below. Improved Points - Added a function that displays names of tools in Tool Selection window.
(You can disable this function on 'Show Label in Tool Selection' of Configuration window.) - Changed registration process of YouTube channel according to Google policy. (Existing setting will be cleared.) Fixed Bugs and Problems - Fixed a bug where the brush pattern will be drawn twice with one tap when using Circular Ruler.
Fixed a bug where the brush pattern will not be drawn with tap when using Elliptical Ruler. Fixed a problem where 'SD Size' of new canvas menu is displayed as 'HD Size' in Russian. Fixed a bug where a download display of IPV file in Online Gallery is displayed on the incorrect position.
Fly 451 прошивка. Инструкция по установке • Загрузите файл с приложением (нажав на красную ссылку «Скачать») • Установите приложение на свое устройство • Запустите приложение • Выберете нужную версию • В приложение укажите свой Email адрес, на который будет выслана прошивка с программой • Загрузите прикрепленный к письму архив • Следуйте инструкциям из архива Видео инструкция прошивки смартфона Fly IQ451 Vista (Black) и видеообзор телефона. Скачать прошивку При добавление Вашего отзыва укажите действующий Email адрес – на него будет выслана инструкция и видео обзор на русском языке. Также в прикрепленном файле к письму придет ссылка на скачивание через торрент, по которой вы сможете скачать программу для прошивки Fly IQ451 Vista (Black) с инструкцией на русском языке.
4.3.2 17 мар. Thank you for using ibis Paint X! If you have any problems, please inform us via the 'Contact Us' of 'Developer Website' and not via the App Review. The summary of this update is below.
Fixed Bugs - Fixed a bug where creating artwork will be failed or the existing artwork will be disappeared on iOS 10.3 if specific characters were included in artwork's name. Fixed a bug where drawing is different between editing and playing with some brushes.
(especially Pile) - Fixed a bug where lines got rattled with the rectangle mode of Array Ruler. Fixed a bug where the playback result of changing the canvas size and trimming of Canvas tool is different in a specific operating operation. 4.3.1 7 мар. Thank you for using ibis Paint X! If you have any problems, please inform us via the 'Contact Us' of 'Developer Website' and not via the App Review. The summary of this update is below.
This update fixes the bug of Symmetry Ruler. Improved Point - Added ability to register Facebook account from Facebook app and system on Settings screen. Fixed Bugs and Problems - Fixed a bug where lines of Dip Pen(Hard) and Dip Pen(Soft) got rattled with Mirror Ruler and Kaleidoscope Ruler.
Fixed a bug where drawing partially lost when drawing with Digital Pen and Symmetry Ruler. Fixed a bug where a picture of the lower layer appears in a completely transparent layer when changing the canvas size and trimming are executed. Fixed a bug where a picture of the current layer becomes transparent when pressing the done button quickly without any transformation after starting 'Perspective Form' and 'Mesh Form' of the Transform Tool. Fixed a bug where the app crashes when changing the transformation command quickly after changing 'Repeat' and 'Interpolation' switch in Transform Tool. Fixed a bug where the app crashes when the done button and the cancel button is pressed during the animation of disappearing the status bar at the top of the screen in Transform Tool.
Fixed a bug where the composition destination of the brush opacity which determines the opacity of the selection layer on filling was mistakenly becoming 'opacity of the canvas' corrected to 'Opacity of Selection Layer' when the current layer is a selection layer and 'Under Line' turns off. Fixed a bug where the background in the completed image of a uploading video was incorrect by the direction of an artwork when an artwork is square and its background is transparent.
Fixed a bug where the app crashes when 'Close' is pressed during the playback and the movie type of an artwork is 'Normal'. Fixed a problem where the percentage of progress of uploading an artwork is hard to see in Spanish. Fixed a bug where the window with of Filter Tool, Canvas Tool and Transform Tool is too narrow on the landscape screen of iPhone 4.0 inches or less. Fixed a bug where the scroll position changes arbitrarily when going back and forward the page in Online Gallery.
Fixed a bug where swiping from left to right always return to Title screen in Online Gallery on iPhone 7. Fixed a bug where swiping from left to right cannot return to the page and will return to Title screen in Online Gallery on iPhone/iPod touch. 4.3.0 25 февр. Thank you for using ibis Paint X! If you have any problems, please inform us via the 'Contact Us' of 'Developer Website' and not via the App Review.
The summary of this update is below. New Features - Add new filters that are Anime Background, Manga Background, Channels Shift (Moving) and Channels Shift (Zooming). Add a new Perspective Array Ruler in Ruler Window. Add a perspective feature to Array Ruler. Added support for a new digital stylus: Bamboo Fineline of Wacom Co. Improved Points - The app will automatically set clipping to ON if the user frequently sets clipping ON when importing pictures and materials.
Improved the Translate Scale of the Transform tool that the canvas looks like clipping is kept ON. Removed 'EXCEPTION CODE' from error messages of the Canvas screens, etc. Increased the maximum number of layers by one for some canvas size.
Enlarged the maximum size of imported image from 2048px to 4096px for devices with RAM greater than 1GB. Improved to delete 'Artwork nameediting' directory created in the same directory as the ipv file when editing ends normally. Improved the automatic restoration process of the ipv file by improving judgment of file order of the undo cache file. Added horizontal swipe gestures for backing and forwarding pages on the Online Gallery. Fixed Bugs And Problems - Fixed a bug where 'Color Burn' and 'Vivid Light' blend modes were abnormal on some devices. Fixed a bug where some filters are played in the wrong direction of 90 degrees under specific conditions. Fixed a bug where the copy of the brush pattern does not become a mirror image on Mirror Ruler and Kaleidoscope Ruler.
Fixed a bug where the background of the canvas was incorrect in saving a movie, restoring and uploading an artwork with a transparent background. Fixed a bug where the background of the canvas of artwork with a transparent background became transparent from the beginning of the playback if the size of the canvas was changed by Canvas Tool.
Fixed a problem where title and message of the error during saving movies are incorrect. Fixed a bug where changing the background color of the canvas is not reflected in Layer window when playing an artwork which movie type is 'Normal'. Fixed a bug where the direction of first completed image is incorrect on uploading an artwork and saving a movie. Fixed a bug where the first layer is ignored in the automatic restoration when it has clipping ON. Fixed a bug where clipping layers won't allow effects to be played after making invisible layers reference layers.
Fixed a bug where the app crashes when the app is suspended in the middle of changing the canvas in Canvas Tool. Fixed a bug where DPI setting is lost after changing canvas size or trimming. Fixed a bug where some effects are not played correctly after undoing canvas rotation once. Fixed a bug the canvas colors randomly changing when using transformation tools, text tools, etc., while there are layers with clipping ON. Fixed a bug where imported image is blurring when it is a particular size.
Fixed a problem where buttons in the middle of the top menu are flickering after rotating the canvas through Canvas tool. Improved app stability - Improved displayed strings. Fixed a bug where brush stroke pressure detection would cause certain brushes to stop responding to changes in pressure if the initial stroke was too weak on devices supporting 3D Touch.
Fixed a bug where the app can't import an artwork which was edited and will remove it on the automatic import of the ipv file. Fixed a bug where the app will remove an artwork if the lack of memory occurred on the automatic import of the ipv file.
Fixed a bug where the app crashes upon opening the Online Gallery on iPhone/iPod touch of iOS 10. Fixed a problem where an alert of a movie advertisement is displayed when the Brush window is opened during trying unlock brushes. 4.2.2 13 дек. Thank you for using ibis Paint X! If you have any problems, please inform us via the 'Contact Us' of 'Developer Website' and not via the App Review. The summary of this update is below.
Improved Points - Added 'Save Flood Fill Settings' switch in the Setting window of the Canvas screen. (We've changed the specification of the Fill Tool so that 'Easy setting' turns on every time if you enters My Gallery in ver.4.2.0 because there was a problem that the whole canvas is filled if the setting of the Fill Tool is bad. For advanced users who know how to set fill settings please turn this switch.) - Improved the Fill Tool to be able to fill from a transparent point if the reference layer is the current layer or the designated layer. The bottom toolbar and the top buttons of the Canvas screen is now disappearing if you drag near them with the Magic Wand Tool, Lasso Tool, Fill Tool, Color Picker, and Quick Color Picker. Fixed the Fill Tool to use the selection area of the Selection layer to determine the area to fill if the reference layer is the canvas. Fixed the easy setting of the Fill Tool to be able to fill cleanly up to the edge of the area to be filled if the current layer is the Selection layer.
Fixed the easy setting of the Magic Wand Tool to be able to select cleanly up to the edge of the range you want to select. Improved the Magic Wand Tool that 'Under Line' switch is now available if the reference layer is the canvas. Fixed the Magic Wand Tool to use the selection area to determine the area to select if the selection range mode is 'Add' or 'Subtract'. Improved the Fill Tool that 'Under Line' switch now works with the Selection layer if the reference layer is the canvas. Fixed the behavior in backspace key of 'dpi' input field in new canvas selection to make it to easier to change the dpi. Fixed the completed image of an artwork in the speed-painting movie to display the transparent area of the image as a checkered pattern if the background of an artwork is transparent.
Changed priority of thumbs of rulers so that normal rulers (Straight Ruler, Circular Ruler, Ellipse Ruler and Radial Ruler) are higher than symmetry rulers (Mirror Ruler, Kaleidscope Ruler, Rotation Ruler and Array Ruler). Changed the orientation of the direction of the arrow of the selection button (white arrow on black background) that comes out when selecting the Straight Ruler, the Circular Ruler, the Ellipse Ruler or the Radial Ruler to the upper left of the screen. Fixed Bugs And Problems - Fixed a bug where the initial image is seen from the transparent area of the image if you return to the top on playing a transparency artwork. Fixed a bug where the broken image is displayed if you return to the top on playing an artwork which has a transparent background and was resized. Fixed a bug where the current layer is not restored if you import a photo from the Photo Library while the current layer was Selection layer and undo it.
Fixed a bug where values can not be adjusted correctly even if the knob is placed in between in the slider where the value rapidly changes as the slider goes to the right. Fixed a bug where the Straight, Circle, Ellipse and Radial Ruler can not move when the Array Ruler at the time of unlocking overlaps them. Fixed the light blue square in the Perspective Form of the Transform Tool to return to the original shape when the rectangle collapses and become a straight line and when you crush the frame and move the knob of the side position again. Fixed a bug where the menu at the bottom of the screen blinks and many points are drawn if you draw with the Brush Tool from the center of the screen to the top of the menu at the bottom of the screen and touch up and touch down are repeated at high speed in that position. Fixed a bug where it become inoperable if you repeatedly hit with a pen when using Apple Pencil. 4.2.0 2 дек. Thank you for using ibis Paint X!
If you have any problems, please inform us via the 'Contact Us' of 'Developer Website' and not via the App Review. The summary of this update is below.
New Features - Added Frame Divider Tool for drawing comic. Added Perspective Transform command in Transform Tool. Added Mesh Transform command in Transform Tool. Added Canvas Tool. It has 'Change Canvas Size', 'Trim' and 'Resize' commands. Added Array Ruler in Ruler Window.
Added 'Radial Line Gradation', 'Drop Shadow' and 'Sphere Lens' commands in Filter Tool. Added 'Save Canvas as Transparent PNG' command in '.' Button on Layer Window. Added Window Color preference in Settings Window.
Improved Points - Design renewal (You can select Black or White on Settings Window.) - Corrected clipping calculation that was dirty on edge color. Added 'Drawing Extraction Confirmation' switch on the Setting Window (By turning it off, you can prevent confirmation of extracting drawing after image importing). Added showing confirmation alert when composing to layer with alpha locked.
Changed to Turn on Easy setting of Flood Fill tool and Magic Wand setting when opening an artwork. Changed to show an alert when layer is added while the maximum number of layers has been reached. Change to show undo, redo button on the phone.
Improved to move the center of the symmetrical ruler out of the canvas. Change to move the ruler and/or the canvas while keeping the ruler menu window displayed on tablet. Changed to enable ruler selection when the ruler exists one that ruler is Straight, Circle, Ellipce or Radial ruler. Changed to show nothing in the sorting pane of the text property window when text is added.
Corresponds to Vietnamese, Indonesian, Hindi. Rulers and Symmetric rulers is reversed left and right or upside-down when executing 'Invert the canvas horizontally' and 'Invert the canvas upside down'. Changed to strengthen the strength to erase when selecting Pen(fade).
Changed canvas reduction by pinch-in to be smaller size. Changed menu labels when saving transparent PNG in My Gallery. Improved not-configured messages of YouTube channel for clarity. Improved speed part of the filter (Brightness / Contrast, Hue / Saturation / Brightness, Color Balance, Gradation, Black & White, Monochrome) when there is no selection area. Improved error message when memory shortage occurred. Changed to symmetric ruler can not be moved when ruler window is displayed on the phone. Improved error message such as when GPU error occurred.
Fixed Bugs - Fixed the artwork is broken sometimes when put symmetric ruler and play the artwork. Fixed a problem that when a line is drawn with the digital pen with 1px, the line is interrupted depending on the angle when using a straight ruler or a concentrated line ruler. Fixed a bug in which lines are interrupted by angle when drawing symmetric ruler (line symmetric ruler, kaleidoscope ruler, rotation symmetric ruler) with a digital pen with 1px. When symmetric ruler and ellipse ruler are used at the same time, relaxation of problems not copied when drawing on the outside of the canvas. Corrected to be copied when drawing on the outside of the canvas on the top and bottom, right and left sides in the same size as the canvas. Fixed a problem that can not return to the My Gallery screen if an error occurs during editing end processing when tapping the BACK button. Fixed a problem that a memory leak occurs when operating the table of material tool quickly.
Fixed an issue where slider labels in some languages overlapped with filter tool. Fixed an issue that the number of steps was lost on the uploading screen. When editing by selecting multiple shapes, bug that the display order of shapes may be incorrect during editing is fixed. Reduce the GPU memory consumption when recreating the layer and improve the memory shortage rate in image reading etc. 4.1.3 16 сент.
Thank you for using ibisPaint X! You need to update ibisPaint X to version 4.1.2 if you use iOS 10.
If you have any problems, please inform us via the 'Contact Us' of 'Developer Website' and not via the App Review. After this update, ibisPaint X supports only iOS 8.0 or later. So iPhone 4 will be no longer supported. Note, however, that in iPhone 4 you can download and use an old version. We apologize for any inconvenience and ask for your understanding. The summary of this update is below. New Feaatures And Improved Points - Supported with iOS 10.
4.1.1 5 июля 2016 г. Thank you for using ibisPaint X! The summary of this update is below. Fixed Bugs and Problems - Fixed the Symmetry Ruler guideline for better recognition. Fixed the opening and closing animations for the material tool. Fixed a bug by which crashes occurred when opening and closing the layer sorting tip.
Fixed a bug by which the app sometimes crashes when performing data downloads with the material tool. Fixed a bug by which a 0-byte vector file was created when you display the zooming view of an artwork in which there is no vector file. Fixed auto-delete and thumbnail recreation processes in artwork without vector files so that the thumbnail file and cache are not deleted.
Fixed the auto-import process for vector files so that 0-byte vector files are not deleted. Fixed a bug by which the app crashes when PNG imports from the Photo Library fail. Fixed a bug by which the app crashes when editing or playing an artwork with a 0-byte vector file. Fixed a bug by which artwork with 0-byte vector files are not deleted from the My Gallery list.
4.1.0 23 июня 2016 г. Thank you for using ibisPaint X!
The summary of this update is below. New Features - Added a new Symmetry Ruler!! (Mirror Ruler, Kaleidoscope Ruler, Rotation Ruler) - Added a new Alpha Lock switch in layer window!! - Added a new canvas size for print with DPI!! - Added a new Selection Area menu with Cut, Copy and Paste commands!! - Added a new Mosaic filter!!
- Added new 21 brushes!! (Calligraphy, Light Diamond, Light Diamond(Outline), Diamond(Real Top), Diamond(Real Side), Diamond(Icon), Queen Crown, Queen Crown(Outline), King Crown, King Crown(Outline), Drop, Drop(Outline), Dragonfly, Dragonfly(Outline), Grass(Fern), Grass(Green foxtail), Grass(Sedge), Grass(Nutsedge), Grass(Goosegrass), Grass(Kentucky Bluegrass), Grass(Luzula)) Improved Points - Improved a problem of the reaction of the eraser tool for the start of erasing operation. Changed the behavior of the Ruler menu. Now it will not be closed when the type of the Ruler is changed, added or removed. ( This menu will be closed when you tap the button which is already selected.) - Added the tip of sorting layers that will be displayed in the Layer Tool window when the window is opened with two or more layers first. Added the reconnect button to the error alert which is displayed when the description page of Remove-Ads Add-on is displayed while the Internet connection is unavailable. Improved unlocking brush features.
Now all brushes are unlocked for 18 hours when a one video was watched. (Brushes that have already been unlocked will be unlocked permanently.) Fixed Bugs and Problems - Fixed a bug where a new layer becomes thinner when semi-transparent layer is duplicated. Fixed a bug where nothing is drawn when the Circular Ruler or the Ellipse Ruler is used. Fixed a bug where the result color of the Smudge tool is wrong when the tool is rubbed from a region where nothing is drawn to one which something is drawn.
Fixed a bug where 'Moving Blur' and 'Parallel Gradation' effects are sometimes played in the wrong direction in the making movie, which was caused depending on the direction of the artwork. Fixed a bug where the aspect ratio of moving layer becomes wrong when the rotation switch is changed twice on the horizontal artwork. Fixed a bug where the aspect ratio of an imported picture sometimes becomes wrong. It was caused when you toggle the rotation switch twice while you import a picture whose aspect ratio is different from that of canvas. Fixed a bug where the aspect ratio of a pasted material sometimes becomes wrong. It was caused when you toggle the rotation switch twice while you import a material whose aspect ratio is different from that of canvas. Fixed a bug where a window will be closed when you tap it in the middle of its appearing animation.
Fixed a bug where a popup window is closed when it is tapped. Fixed a bug where an inappropriate layer is chosen as the current layer when importing materials is undone and successively redone. Fixed a bug that crashes the app when the Brush/Eraser Toggle button is tapped while the Brush Property window is displayed. Fixed a bug where the error alert will not be displayed.
Fixed a bug that crashes the app when the app is suspended while the canvas or playing screen is opening. Fixed a problem where the layout of the text window is wrong in iPhone 6/6s Plus. 4.0.2 16 мая 2016 г.
Thank you for using ibisPaint X! The summary of this update is below. Improved Points - Changed the maximum thickness of Dip Pen(Soft), Pencil(#1) and Pencil(#2) to 120px. Changed a label of the button which plays a video 'Watch videos to get free!'
- Improved the problem that changing the font color or the stroke color becomes too slow on slow devices. Fixed Bugs - Fixed the bug that a part of the layer is rotated and an artwork is broken.
(Except for already broken artworks) - Fixed the bug that an angle of the brush or the direction of the stamp brushes are different by a 90 degrees unit on playing or uploading an artwork. Fixed the bug that the brush parameters of right two columns of the stamp brush 'Heart' is not follow the direction of drawing if the app was updated from ver.3.7.1 or earlier to ver.4.0.0 or later. Fixed the bug that the brush parameters of right two columns of some stamp brushes is not shifted by a half angle if the app was updated from ver.3.7.1 or earlier to ver.4.0.0 or later. Fixed the bug that the most materials are inverted vertically. Fixed the bug that the color of the quick color picker is not set to the opacity slider. Fixed the bug that the app freezes if the button of the tool selection popup is pressed long with the Apple Pencil.
Fixed the bug that the app freezes during the process if the canvas is zoomed or rotated or moved with the Apple Pencil and the finger. Fixed the bug that the app crashes if Brush/Eraser Toggle button is pressed while adding text popup is displayed. 4.0.0 27 апр. IbisPaint X supports iOS 7.0 or later from this update.
Therefore, the support for iPhone 3GS and iPod touch(4th Gen) will end on this update. However you can download an old version on these devices. We apologize for any inconvenience and ask for your understanding. New Features - Added the Text tool function! (It's the genuine tool that supports the vertical writing, the horizontal writing, the text stroke and multiple texts.) - Added the Material tool function!
(You can use now 880 textures and tones.) - Added 6 new filters! (Wet Edge, Glow(Outer), Glow(Inner), Stroke(Both), Stroke(Inner), Stained Glass) - Added 21 new brushes! (Pen(Fade), Chain, Lace, Feather, Swallowtail, Spider Net, Waterwheel, Waterwheel(Outline), Gear Wheel1, Gear Wheel1(Outline), Gear Wheel2, Gear Wheel2(Outline), Pinwheel, Pinwheel(Outline), Square, Pentagram1, Pentagram2, Pentagram3, Hexagram1, Hexagram2, Hexagram3) - Added the movie saving and sharing function! (You can create the movie with designating movie length without the Twitter and the Facebook account.) - Added the function that creating a new drawing canvas based on your selected photo size! - Supported input from the keyboard of canvas size at the free canvas size of the canvas size selection screen! - Added the pressure sensitivity function by Apple Pencil for 9.7-inch iPad Pro!
- Renewled the app icon and the title screen! Improved Points - Improved the quality of a imported picture when it wasn't scaled and rotated. Changed the display behavior of the brush cursor. It was displayed on the eraser tool only on the previous version. It's now displayed on the brush tool, the finger tool and the blur tool. Added 'Upload' button to the IPV share dialog that was displayed from the share button of the My Gallery screen. Improved the free canvas size function to save the last canvas size.
Improved drawing features. In compliance with the direction of the existing Heart brush on the 2 rows on the right, you can now draw a heart in any direction. Changed the brush palette of the brush tool window as presenting the initial angle. Reduced the problem that the wait indicator is displayed frequently if lack of memory occurs on the device. Changed the brush parameter of the digital pen without the pressure sensitivity.
Improved the account behavior to clear the authentication information and prompt to sign in again if 'token is invalid' error occurs. Reduced the backup size of the iCloud by excluding sample artworks of the Collection from it. Fixed Bugs and Problems - Fixed the bug that the app crashes when the brush tool window or the layer tool window is operated. Fixed the bug that the app crashes when a picture was imported on the layer tool window more than two times. Fixed the bug that the brush parameter is difference between new installation or all brush parameter reset and app update. Fixed the bug that the canvas background color of a thumbnail image of an artwork is displayed wrong on the playing restoration.
Fixed the problem that lines of the selection area and the lasso tool are displayed difficult to see on high resolution devices. Improved the operation of the table which can be scrolled on the canvas screen. Fixed the problem that the border of the layer tool window was broken on phone devices.
Fixed the bug that the work time of an artwork is shifted if editing an artwork was suspended and the automatic restoration processed. Fixed the bug that 'Length Of Start' and 'Length Of End' of the stabilizer tool were not saved if these values were same. Fixed the bug that the artwork file will inconsistent if the app crashes while undo is processed. Fixed the bug that an angle of a brush is played incorrectly if the direction of an artwork was changed later. Fixed the bug that the stabilizer tool window is not opened when the button was tapped.
3.7.2 18 февр. New Features - Added the Filter tool! 15 kinds of filters were added.
(Brightness & Contrast, Hue Saturation Lightness, Color Balance, Extract Drawing, Change Drawing Color, Mono Color, Gray Scale, Black & White, Posterize, Gaussian Blur, Zooming Blur, Moving Blur, Blur Frame, Parallel Gradation and Concentric Gradation) - Added 49 new brushes! (Pencil(#1), Pencil(#2), Pencil(Graphite), Oil(Rough), Oil(Hair), Oriental(Shan Shui), Five Lines, Charcoal, Soft Pastel, Hard Pastel, Crayon, Chalk, Net(2 kinds), Circular Cross Hatching, Flash, Wedge, Pile, Speed, Stamp (30 kinds)) - Added the transparent background function! (You can select the background color in the Layer window: White, Bright transparent and Dark transparent.
Your transparent artwork will be saved as the transparent PNG if you save it as PNG.) - Added the rotation function of the canvas by two fingers! (You can disable this function from the Configuration window.) - Added the function that can share and save an artwork as the JPEG! - Added the function that imports the ipv file to the My Gallery which were opened in other apps!
(You can use this function to backup and restore your ipv files and share the ipv file between users.) - Added the function that can transmit the ipv file between devices by the Air Drop. Improved Points - Added the new canvas size: Chat stamp and Vertical. Changed the behavior of the Color Picker tool from an average color of 9px to a 1px color.
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Sped up the display of the Brush Tool window. Sped up 2 times faster the save processing of artworks.
Changed the initial size of the free canvas size to 1000x1000. Renewed the description page of the first launch. Changed the interpolation method of the zoom view of the My Gallery to the neighborhood approximation when the size of an artwork is smaller than the screen size.
Improved the push notification that app opens the page in accordance with the type of notification. Changed the brush parameter of the Net as adjustable. Improved the brush that it follows a snap angle of the Ruler exactly if the following rotation and the Ruler are enabled. Added the Detail button to an alert of the notification of new functions and new feature page will be displayed if it is tapped. Changed the Color window that it can be opened even if the Eraser, Smudge, Blur and Magic Wand tool is selected. Changed the required count of viewing video for toll brush parameters: 3 and more times: 2 times, 2 times: 1 time Fixed Bugs And Problems - Fixed the bug that the screen tone is not displayed on the My Gallery screen if the clipping and the screen tone are enabled and the app crashed.
Fixed the problem that the playing timing is actually more accelerated. Fixed the bug that the undo and redo breaks the production time and the playing.
Fixed the rare bug that the thumbnail image is broken. Fixed the problem that the share function doesn't restore broken files. Fixed the bug that the app crashes at the time of uploading an artwork. Fixed the bug that playing speed of lines of the brush is incorrect. Changed the display of the Ruler that it is not displayed even if the movie type is default.
Программа Для Создания Манги На Андроид
Fixed the problem that the movie type is not the view fixation if an edit information disappeared. Fixed the problem that the automatic restoration misses the vertical and the horizontal of an artwork. Fixed the problem that the automatic restoration can't restore some abnormal artworks. Fixed the bug that the direction of imported image is wrong if the device rotated before an image is selected. Fixed the bug that the direction of UI doesn't match the direction of the device. Fixed the bug that the hue of the transparent PNG of a layer is wrong if it is translucent.
Fixed the bug that the app fails to create thumbnail images of artworks which are some size. Fixed the bug that the animation of selection area stops when the app is reactivated. 3.6.2 30 нояб. Thank you for using ibisPaint X! The summary of this update is below.
New Features - Added any canvas size slider in Canvas Size Selecting Window! - iPad mini 4 is now supported by styluses of of Wacom Co. Improved Points - Improved a message of about Apple Pencil on iPad Pro. Fixed Bugs And Problems - Fixed the bug that the app which was updated from the version earlier than 2.5.0 crashes when you start to edit your artwork. Fixed the bug that the app crashes during the automatic restoration of an artwork which has a layer of the screen tone. Fixed the bug that garbage lines are displayed when you use the Lasso tool on iPhone 6s/6s Plus.
Fixed the problem that the display of the Ruler tool is different from other deivces on iPad mini 4. Fixed the layout problem of Right-to-Left Languages on iOS 9.
Fixed stability problems. 3.6.0 13 нояб. Thank you for using ibisPaint X! The summary of this update is below. New Features - Added the pressure sensitivity function by Apple Pencil for iPad Pro! - Added the screen tone function that does not modify raster in blend mode on Layer Window! - Added 10 screen tones!
Dot, Noise, Horizontal, Vertical, Slash-R, Slash-L, Cross, Cross-X, Square, Square-X. Added 19 new brushes! Airbrush(Perticle L), Marker, Splash, Circle(Edge), Flare, Light 4, Light 6, Light 8, Heart, Star, Star(Round), Triangle, Triangle(Noise), Pentagon, Hexagon, Blur Circle(In), Blur Circle(Out), Blur Pentagon(In), Blue Pentagon(Out). Added the naming layer function in '.'
Button on Layer Window! - Added Twitter Header size and Postcard(JP) size in Canvas Size Selecting Window! - Added the sharing function to Twitter and/or Facebook and so on as PNG, MOV, IPV(ibisPaint Vector file) on My Gallery! - Added 'Reset All Brush Parameter' and 'Reset Color Palette' buttons on Settings Window. Improved Points - Modified specification. When the artwork is started editing, the artwork is retained the artwork direction. Moved Delete button from the toolbar to the command button on My Gallery.
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Fixed Bugs And Problems - Fixed the bug that recorded making time of an artwork and real making time is different. Fixed the bug that rotated 90 degree when re-edit artwork of square canvas.
Fixed the bug that the app crashes in touching ruler on playback screen. Fixed the bug that the app crashes in Stabilizer window sometime.
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Fixed the bug that the app crashes on drawing curve when added ruler. Fixed stability problems. 3.5.0 25 сент.
Коротко о Manga Studio Manga Studio - профессиональная программа для рисования манги, комиксов и артов. Богатые возможности настроек кистей и холста, отлично налаженная работа со скрин-тонами, эффекты преобразования изображения, растровые и векторные слои для рисования, разнообразие направляющих линий, встроенный 3D-модуль для вставки в рисунок трехмерного персонажа или предмета быта. Конечно, при переходе от MS Paint к Manga Studio молодой пользователь испытает шок и трепет из-за сложности интерфейса. Но усилия, затраченные на освоение этой японской программы, окупятся и принесут удовольствие от умения владеть разнообразным функционалом такое же сильное, как удовлетворение ниндзя от своего искусства владения разнообразным оружейным арсеналом. Интерфейс Разработчики программы постарались не нарушать привычное расположение основных панелей с инструментами, тем не менее пользователь имеет возможность перемещать панели по своему вкусу.
При первом запуске программы интерфейс выглядит так: 1 панель основных инструментов рисования; 2 варианты выбранного инструмента; 3 тонкие настройки выбранного варианта инструмента; 4 дискретный выбор размера кисти; 5 цветовая палитра; 6 быстрые операции - новая канва, очистка слоя.; 7 менеджер материалов; 8 навигатор по холсту; 9 панель импортированного изображения, из которого, например, можно брать цвет пипеткой; 10 поиск и параметры слоя; 11 слои; 12 масштабирование и поворот холста. Нажмите эту кнопку на панели инструментов, чтобы получить слайдеры для более плавной регулировки характеристик 3D объекта. И это еще не всё. У человеческой фигуры можно передвигать участи тела.
Программа Для Создания Манги На Русском
Попробуйте навести мышь на руку - участок руки окрасится в темный цвет. Потяните мышью на этом месте - рука начнет сгибаться в локте. Есть специальные материалы для трехмерных сцен - 3D backgrounds. Их также можно перенести на холст и управлять их камерой. В разных сборках Manga Studio содержится разное количество материалов для панели Material. Коллекцию материалов можно пополнить, если у вас есть специально организованная папка с меатериалами.
Программа Для Создания Манги
Для этого надо выбрать в меню File Install materials, выбрать папку с материалами и инсталлировать новые материалы в приложение. Скачать Так как программа платная, то в первую очередь предлагается купить ее. Если же вы хотите просто попробовать, почувствовать 'вкус' программы, то воспользуйтесь ссылками ниже.